Saturday, September 27, 2008

Best over the counter acne scar treatment

« ...If outbreaks continue to happen you might want to try new products or just forget the acne products in the store and seek out the advice of a dermatologists. Dermatologists would be able to decide whether to prescribe medications that you take orally to help fight the bacteria in pores or prescribe stronger medications that may work better than the ones in the store....
...You can also use anti bacterial facial wash to get rid of acne cysts. The cleanser will help to remove all dirt, oil and impurities accumulated throughout the day. If the product contains salicylic acid, it will help to get rid of the acne faster....»
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«...Tea tree oil is used topically on your acne. In other words, you apply tea tree oil directly onto your skin. Tea tree oil kills acne causing bacterias effectively and this is why tea tree oil is so good for acne. Compared to those expensive products that have big name celebrities promoting them, tea tree oil is far better than those branded products. I had used most of the main and popular acne treatment products that are heavily advertised now and was not able to get better results than tea tree oil. And guess what, tea tree oil is dirt cheap....»
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tags: acne treatment topical lotion stearic acid, zinc for acne, acne break out forehead allergy

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